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This whole monstruousity was originally conveived February through March 2001 by the members of The Big Note - a Frank Zappa YahooGroup. After an arduous gestation period, this site was birthed on April 11 2001. True to the essence of collaborative effort, these people are held responsible.

All content:
© TheBigNote 2001-2004
unless specified otherwise.
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When the President Talks to God: a Protest Song by Bright Eyes

(Disclaimer: These are not authorized, copyrighted lyrics, and are not reproduced with anyone's permission. The following is merely a personal transcription of what we heard from a broadcast of 'The Tonight Show'. Any errors in the text are purely accidental.)

When the President talks to God
Are the conversations brief, or long?
Does he ask to rape our women's rights,
And send poor farm kids off to die?
Does God suggest an oil hike,
When the President talks to God?

When the President talks to God
Are the consonants all hard or soft?
Is he resolute all down the line?
Is every issue black or white?
Does what God say ever change his mind,
When the President talks to God?

When the President talks to God
Does he fake that drawl, or merely nod;
Agree which convicts should be killed;
Where prisons should be built and filled;
Which voter fraud must be concealed,
When the President talks to God?

When the President talks to God
I wonder which one plays the better cop?
We should find some jobs, the ghetto's broke.
No, they're lazy, George; I say we don't;
Just give them more liquor stores and dirty coke.
That's what God recommends.

When the President talks to God,
Do they drink near beer and go play golf
While they pick which countries to invade,
Which Muslim souls still can be saved?
I guess God just calls a spade a spade
When the President talks to God.

When the President talks to God
Does he ever think that maybe he's not;
That that voice is just inside his head
When he kneels next to the Presidential bed?
Does he ever smell his own bullshit
When the President talks to God?
(I doubt it.)

(I doubt it.)
Fill mish-mish,
Fill mish-mish.

Frank Zappa

More Amusing Musings?