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This whole monstruousity was originally conveived February through March 2001 by the members of The Big Note - a Frank Zappa YahooGroup. After an arduous gestation period, this site was birthed on April 11 2001. True to the essence of collaborative effort, these people are held responsible.

All content:
© TheBigNote 2001-2004
unless specified otherwise.
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Questions, Questions, Questions... Answers?

That term appears in the liner notes to SUNPYG, referring to the way FZ would dub different performances together, interested in the interplay. Did he elaborate on that anywhere else? Been a long time since I read his autobiography.

I'm not sure what you mean by "elaborate". Did he explain it elsewhere? Yeah; numerous times, mostly in print interviews. I can't tell you which ones, but there are many references to xenochrony elsewhere. His most elaborate use of it was the Joe's Garage album. According to FZ, every solo on the JG set was xenochronous, with the exception of "Watermelon in Easter Hay".
I dunno if I answered your question.


Guys, I put a lot of hard-earned energy into contributing to the Polls, but I struggle to discover what the answer actually is. I see the results about who voted for what, but I'm expectant of a big bold headline saying "and the answer is....", yet I haven't found it recently. Is it some Brit thing or am I missing a link into some dark dungeon of despair... Yours Truly - toughened by the spirit in the sky,
Big Swifty (but getting smaller by the minute)

The correct answer is always the one that was chosen by SOFA, since he's the one who posed the question.

Poodle is quite right, Swiftus. I always cast my vote right before closing the poll... Unless someone else posts the question, which has happened twice, I believe. But I also post who won, and what the correct answer is. Here are the Subject lines of the last 4; if you look these up, you will find the correct answer, as well as the source for the question:
The Yellowmud Shark Arpeggio
We couldn't tell with your little blousie-pooh on
Winner by a nose...

I certainly don't want you to feel that your hard-earned energy is for naught! I have enough trouble getting members to vote without alienating the one's that do. If you wish me to change my procedure to make things easier, I am always eager for suggestions...
Is it some Brit thing or am I missing a link into some dark dungeon of despair...
Frankly, it's a Brit thing. You guys are always so serious...
Yours Truly - toughened by the spirit in the sky,
Who is Norman Greenbaum?
Big Swifty

Who is Norman Greenbaum?
The world's most famous Jewish Indian*?

(*That's "Native American" for those outside the US, and the politically correct inside the US)
No, no, no that's the Jeopardy "answer" to 'spirit in the sky'...
The correct Jeopardy "answer" to yours is: Who is Sitting Bullstein (he's the guy who dreamed up the idea of getting back at the white man through casinos).
But I don't want to get off-topic here.

Topic??? We don't need no stinking topic!
El Poodelito

I'm more than grateful for all your help, remember our brains are smaller here, but the capacity for learning is still in there... Norman has a lot to answer for remember that!
Bigus Swiftus

Speaking of which, may I be excused? My brain is full.
Thank you...

Not until you're finished thinking, Mister!!! I'm sure there are lots of empty-brained kids in China who would love to think what you're thinking...
Why I oughta...


Someone just sent me a peculiar article that appeared in the Dutch rock-mag "Hitweek", date of appearance unknown - probably late 60ies. It starts like this: "Aside from being the leader of the MOI, Frank Zappa is also the president of an advertising agency, The Nifty Advertising Agency. For those who've always thought that this agency, as well as its presidency, was fake, the American paper Saturday Evening Post published a very funny article by a Mr. W.H. Manville, in which an eyewitness account is given of a scene in the expensively furnished presidential office of Unicord Inc. - a billion dollar company in the musical instruments and amplifier business for which FZ is advisor."
The article goes on to quote Herb Cohen as the vice-president of "Nifty". I've never read of this Agency anywhere else. Did it exist? Or is this article missing out on something?

I know FZ & Herb were twiddling around with an idea for a company called "Nifty, Tuff & Bitchin", but I didn't know it ever got off the ground. And I was under the impression that it was a marketing agency, rather than an ad agency...
Okay, researchers: on your marks; get set...


This past Friday I got home from work and find a burned copy of the Ed Palermo Big Band promo CD waiting in my mailbox. I had plans to go to a dinner/dance with my wife at her church that night, and barely had a chance to listen to it before it was time to go. I decided to take it with me and I'm glad I did.
My wife is Mormon and if anybody knows anything about their religion, they are pretty strict. Well after the party was going a while, I mentioned that I had this Big Band CD with me and, since it was burned, it didn't have a label on it. I popped it in to the sound system they had set up. It was wonderful to be at a gathering and have FZ music blaring. Now I just have to work on CONVERTING the Mormons to FZ while they talk to me about their church.


Whenever I'm reading a book or listening to a song that contains cursing, I have subconsciously trained my own brain to stop flickering on and off momentarily, and to quietly ask itself whether or not (in its opinion) the curse words were necessary to more effectively communicate the precise message that the writer or singer was trying to convey. If the curse words were necessary, I continue on. If the curse words weren't necessary, I continue on.
I don't think curse words are such a big deal. I just wish I could get my brain to stop flickering on and off.
Glands of Destiny: "Les creatures les plus gracieuses peuvent etre aussi les plus mortelles." Jacques Cousteau (The most graceful creatures can also be the deadliest.)

Whenever I'm reading a book or listening to a song that contains cursing, I have subconsciously trained my own brain to stop flickering on and off momentarily…
I just wish I could get my brain to stop flickering on and off.

I see where you might experience some difficulty. BTW, that's a lovely, loooong sleeve shirt you're wearing.

Frank Zappa

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