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This whole monstruousity was originally conveived February through March 2001 by the members of The Big Note - a Frank Zappa YahooGroup. After an arduous gestation period, this site was birthed on April 11 2001. True to the essence of collaborative effort, these people are held responsible.

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© TheBigNote 2001-2004
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The Makings Of Lumpy Gravy

Howdy Friends, Jack Bivouac here.
Ya know, people are all the time asking me "Jack, how come you spend so much of your valuable time archiving old Lumpy Gravies?"
And I have to be honest with them. "Because I don't have much of a life outside of my son SOFA's involvement with The Big Note." It's not something that I'm too proud of…
Actually, I started doin' this because of the following posts at TBN:

Is there a place where those so-inclined can go to reread Lumpy Gravies of times passed their sell-by-dates? I'm curious to see certain information. I think you know exactly what I mean.
David Humphries
glands of destiny: putting the "sin", the "dick", the "cat", and the "ion" back into syndication. Not really, but I do think it would be a money-making opportunity for someone with the nerves of ice and a paradoxically steel-wool-eyed innocence, that would most certainly be required of anyone who should want to take on such an endeavor.)

I'm glad you asked, David. Checking out expired Lumpy Gravies is a convoluted process, but can be done. Most are contained in our "old" messageboards at ICQ and Beseen. I have toyed with the idea of collecting them all and placing them in a file at the eGroup site for all to enjoy, but I found it a lousy toy...

Any volunteers for this job familiar enough with the pages involved to handle it? I'm pretty busy myself just being the Great and Powerful Poodle, and I know SOFA wears the varnish off his stubby little legs working as both Quizmaster Supreme and Membership Chancellor.

So ya see friends, there was a need to be filled. And, if I was to believe in GoD, there was some money to be made. My poor boy SOFA didn't have the stuffing to commit to this task. So I figured, "Heck; I'm retired, and in my twilight years. Why not take it upon myself?" And that's how I came to be the Lump Compiler that types before you now…
I wonder when that money is supposed to start rollin' in?
While I go look and see if any royalty check is in the mail, please read the following Lumpy posts. They're not Gravy, oh no. But they've got a certain aroma…

Simple question:
What is your favorite Zappa Quote?

"Disco music makes it possible to have Disco Entertainment Centers, Disco Entertainment Centers makes it possible for boring, laid back kinds of people to meet each other and reproduce."
Bald Headed John

"Scientists tell us that hydrogen is the basic building block of the universe because it is the most plentiful element. But I feel that the universe is made of stupidity because IT is even MORE plentiful than hydrogen"

*Simple question:* To which there is no simple answer...
Much like our own beloved "Lumpy Gravy" initiation question of your one favorite Zappa song, it could change on any given day at any given moment. Poodle's inclusion of the old boardroom stuff is appropriate - if you change "quote" to lyrical improvisation (I believe that was the actual question posed to the group at that time).
At this precise moment, my favorite quote would be: (in answer to an interviewer's question "where is Frank Zappa now?") "Why do I have to BE anywhere?"
Next to Ringo, FZ is probably THE most quotable rock icon ever. There's a cool quote for almost every day of the year - for several years!
See? Mine just changed to "May your shit rise up and kiss you".
Give me a minute and it will change again...

Favorite quote: "Music is the most physically inspiring of all the arts."

Well, my favourite quote would be, "Let go of your pickle." Does that sort of qualify?

Personally, I think "Blow it out your ASS, motorcycle man!" demonstrates a vibrant insouciance.

This could prove to be very productive; we all seem to have our favorites. But I wonder whether we should distinguish between quotes - as in response to interview questions, writings, etc - and "lyric improvisation/song quotes".
Or is it all the same?

How about favorite solo? Some have answered this question before, I believe.

I remember my favorite solo as being on a friend's bootleg set that he got second-hand, with no sleeve. I looked through some listings of bootlegs and I think I found it, under the title of Invocations. Judging by the presence of Big Leg Emma, I think the solo I like is under the title, The Squirm.

My favorite solo is a 3 way tie between - Pink Napkins, Sexual Harassment and St. Etienne.

Mine, most definitely is Cruising For Burgers on Zappa in NY.
But, I've always liked Rat Tomago very much. And how he made his guitar squeal on Zomby Woof is still a mystery to me! I spend nights trying to work my tremolo to come up with that sort of deranged sound.

I would have a MUCH harder time trying to decide on a favorite guitar solo, than a quote.
I think it's fair to break his guitar work into two main categories: Custom SG and Custom Strat. I guess I like the stuff he did with the SG the most, but really, I love all of it. FZ's guitar work was the main thing I wanted to hear when I first got into his music. I would skip past a lot of the other stuff and just listen to the solos over and over and (heh-heh) try to play them myself! It's easier to point out the few times when he kind of blows it. Purple Lagoon, from ZINY, is my first case in point. I think the solo just showed he couldn't play jazz and he seems to agree because it ends somewhat abruptly.

As far as my favorite solo, I'd probably have to pick Sexual Harassment, but there's so many bits of improv in all of FZ's solos that I can only aspire to...
Muffin Man.

Frank Zappa

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