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This whole monstruousity was originally conveived February through March 2001 by the members of The Big Note - a Frank Zappa YahooGroup. After an arduous gestation period, this site was birthed on April 11 2001. True to the essence of collaborative effort, these people are held responsible.

All content:
© TheBigNote 2001-2004
unless specified otherwise.
Speed will turn you into your parents.


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Ugly Counter Image


ZTriviaŠ Poll Awards

conceived & submited by Sharleena (click to enlarge)

Authentic chromium legs
Don't take other's imitations. They could be just galvanized zinc sheet.


A little green rosetta
sprouted from a weird plant. They're pretty good contestants...


Titties & Beer, gentlemen!
Masses of poll's contestants were fighting to get one of these...


Zircon encrusted tweezers
The years passed has made these ones radiactive! So handle with care. (See the incrustations detail)

Frank Zappa

More Graphic Effect?