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Who Did What Blurb

This whole monstruousity was originally conveived February through March 2001 by the members of The Big Note - a Frank Zappa YahooGroup. After an arduous gestation period, this site was birthed on April 11 2001. True to the essence of collaborative effort, these people are held responsible.

All content:
© TheBigNote 2001-2004
unless specified otherwise.
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Mega Wazoo Artwork

New TBN member Packard Goose created some bitchin cover art for a recent CD project that took place at another group: the Zappa-List. This group had been vining a set of Grand and Petit Wazoo shows under the project Title "The Mega-Wazoo". P-Goosie came up with some superlative cover art for this set and we thought it best to share it with the world. Stay tuned for more exciting images from this talented TBNer.

Frank Zappa

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