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Who Did What Blurb

This whole monstruousity was originally conveived February through March 2001 by the members of The Big Note - a Frank Zappa YahooGroup. After an arduous gestation period, this site was birthed on April 11 2001. True to the essence of collaborative effort, these people are held responsible.

All content:
© TheBigNote 2001-2004
unless specified otherwise.
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Covers, Tributes, Sidemen

Musibrarian: Magic Fingers, TBN

Project/Object Live At The 8 x 10 Club, Baltimore

Courtesy of BHJ's intrepid recording techniques, we're proud to offer this selection of tracks from Project/Object's 12/30/2000 concert (featuring Ike Willis) — in Baltimore no less, handpicked by our very own Sharleena. These cats do an excellent job of keeping FZ's music alive, and we love them for it!

  1. Chunga's Revenge
  2. Carolina Hardcore Ecstasy
  3. Echidna's Arf (Of You)
  4. What's New In Baltimore
  5. Fembot In A Wet T-shirt
  6. Big Swifty
  7. Outside Now
  8. A Token Of My Extreme
  9. Inca Roads
  10. Jones Crusher
  11. Zomby Woof
  12. Peaches En Regalia

Frank Zappa

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